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Pallets are mainly used for storage and turnover in warehousing, logistics and other fields. Aluminum pallets are developed on the basis of wood pallets, plastic pallets and steel pallets, and have been widely used in developed countries such as Europe and the United States. In today's increasingly prominent environmental protection, food and other problems, the trend of replacing wood pallets, plastic pallets and steel pallets with aluminum pallets in food, medical, health, chemical and other fields is obvious.

Product features:

● The materials used are environmentally friendly materials, which meet the requirements of social development and have high recycling value. Aluminum pallets can be recycled after being scrapped;

● Wide application environment, easy to clean, not easy to breed bacteria. In environments such as cold storage and humidity, aluminum trays will not embrittlement and rot. Especially suitable for places with high environmental health requirements;

● Single product light weight, bearing requirements, easy to use. Compared with steel pallets, the same specification, the weight is only equivalent to 1/3 of its.

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