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The daily maintenance method of industrial aluminum profile frame

Release time:2020/8/20 11:48:04      Click count:3281

1, anti-sharp: although the hardness of industrial aluminum products is large, it is easy to be scratched by sharp instruments, so the industrial aluminum frame should be away from some sharp items as far as possible;

2, frequent wiping: although the industrial aluminum profile corrosion resistance, but if the industrial aluminum profile frame in use with water, and we do not wipe in time, the surface of the aluminum profile will leave a watermark. It not only affects the appearance, but also causes some damage to the frame.

3, flat ground: aluminum profile frame whether in the assembly or in the later use, the ground must be flat, so as not to cause the aluminum profile frame bearing force is different and lead to frame deformation;

4. Protective film: When assembling the aluminum profile frame, a protective film should be affixed to the surface of the frame to prevent scratching or hurting the aluminum profile during the assembly process;

5, frequent cleaning: If the aluminum profile frame is contaminated with some oil stains or chemicals, it should be cleaned with detergent in time, the cleaning agent should be selected neutral detergent, and the need to dry in time after cleaning;

Previous: Welding techniques for aluminum toolbox.

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