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Aluminum alloy processing technology

Release time:2022/4/2 16:44:54      Click count:3323

Aluminum alloy processing technology is different, manufacturers use different processing technology also make aluminum profile price differentiation.

The machinability includes formability and machinability. Because formability is related to the state, after selecting the grade of aluminum alloy, it is also necessary to consider the strength range of various states, usually high strength materials are not easy to form. If the aluminum is to be bent, drawn, deep drawing and other forming processes, the formability of the material in the annealed state is better, and the formability of the material in the heat treatment state is poor. The machinability of aluminum alloy is poor, and the machinability of molds, mechanical parts and so on need to be better, on the contrary, the machinability of low strength is poor. For molds, mechanical parts and other products that need to be cut, the machinability of aluminum alloy is an important consideration

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